
Resources and Links

As clinicians, we are trained in assessing and providing help for a wide range of problems. We also understand that in today's hectic world it may seem difficult to find the time to sit and talk about those problems. These days, many people find it helpful to go "on-line" to research books, films and other products, before committing their money or time. With this in mind, we have compiled the following list of "links", which we believe can be helpful in understanding many of the issues addressed in college counseling centers across the nation.

In particular, the "Ulifeline" site acts as a clearinghouse for information on a wide range of mental health and substance use issues. In addition to providing basic facts, this site contains links to actual screening instruments, which can be useful in deciding if you could benefit from a one-on-one session with one of our counselors.

We hope that these sites provide information that is useful to you but more importantly, that you will feel free in contacting us to discuss any questions you may have.

Crisis Support

  • 1-800-273-8255 or Dial 988

Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence

LGBTQ+ Resources

Self-Help Groups

Other Mental Health Resources

Please see one of our counselors for referrals to medication providers and off-campus therapists